The Mimi Spirits
Once there was a tour guide in Australia. He would take his clients, who where tourists, into remote areas of the Outback desert. One of the routes he would take his groups on featured some ancient rock paintings made by the Aboriginal peoples.
Strangely, these rock paintings were situated on a rather high rockface, which had a slight incline. It’s shape was such that it seemed near impossible for someone to reach it, nevermind paint on it. This often puzzled the tourists and they would ask their tour guide how these ancient artists managed to paint there.
The tour guide would then tell the tourists about how the Aboriginals accomplished the paintings. He said that they simply connected with the Mimi Spirits, and asked for some assistance. The Mimi Spirits would then come and lower the rockface, so that the artists could make their paintings on it. When they were done painting, the Mimi Spirits would raise the rockface again to is natural position”.
One tourist told the tour guide, “That is an interesting story, but seriously, tell us how they really did it? Did they use some kind of scaffolding or ropes to get up there?”.
The tour guide smiled at the tourist. He said, “Look. In the Western system you have where you come from, you have a man that walked on water, healed the sick, who rose from the grave and ascended into heaven”. “So, as I said, the artists would connect with the Mimi Spirits, the Mimi Spirits would then come and lower the rockface, so that the artists could make their paintings on it.”
Photo Credits:
By Photo by and ©2002 Dustin M. Ramsey (Kralizec!) – My own photographic work., CC BY-SA 2.5,