
Abundance is an integral part of your spirituality and of your experience both within and beyond this Human phase you find yourself in. Abundance is part of your birthright. But you need to claim it, and make it your own.

There are many aspects to your abundance. These include Health, Beautiful Relationships, Financial Freedom, Success, Happiness, Magnificent Experiences and Knowledge.

One way to talk about abundance is as a state of being. A casual, elegant state of being in which you know you are worthy and deserving of having it all. However, to the extent that you are focused on survival, you will undermine this casual abundance in your life. The idea is to put your attention on living life, celebrating and having fun. If all you try and do is survive, the universe will oblige you and give you those circumstances.

If you are focused on living and celebrating life, the universe will also oblige you and provide you with those experiences.